what is python

                what is python

                                                   For those looking for buzzwords, Python is a high-level, interpreted, reflective, dynamically-typed, open-source, multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language. I could explain each of those terms in detail, but in the end the result would still not convey what makes Python programming different from other languages. There is no one thing in Python that is not found in other languages, but it is the elegant design and combination of these features into a single package that makes Python such a pleasure to use.
                    Python is sometimes described as a scripting language, for the simple reason that thousands of working programmers daily use the language in this fashion. That is, they use Python as a tool to quickly and easily glue together software applications and components written in many different languages. But such a categorization is far too narrow, and Python can justly be described as a general-purpose language, one that can you can use for almost any programming task you would like to perform.
                      This is not to say that Python is the only programming language you will ever need or will ever learn. A working computer scientist should know how to use many different tools, and that means he or she should have an appreciation of many different types of language. For example, because Python is interpreted, the resulting programs are often not as fast as those written in lower-level languages, such as C or C++.
                     On the other hand, programs are much easier to write than they are in C. So there is a trade-off, anengineering compromise of the type common in computer science. Is less time in execution of the final program worth spending more time in development and debugging? For the beginning student, and in fact for the vast majority of computer programs, the answer is clearly no. (Another way to express this trade-off is to ask, “whose time is more important, your time or the computer’s?”) Low-level languages such as C have their place, but only for the small group of computer programs for which ultimate execution time is critically important. You may eventually work on such systems, but not in your first programming course.
              Another important category of programming languages are those tied to a specific application. A good example of this category is the language PHP, a programming language used to create interactive web pages. (See www.php.org). A general-purpose language, such as Python, cannot hope to be as easy to use in this application area. But PHP is extremely clumsy to use for purposes other than web pages. If, or when, you start extensive work in such an application area you will want to learn how to use these tools

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