Python Scripting Tutorial.

Shell Scripting:

One of the most useful packages for unix shell scripters in python is the subprocess package. The simplest use of this package is to use the call function to call a shell command:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess"ls -l", shell=True)

This script will call the unix command "ls -l" and print the output to the console. While this is useful, most of the time you want to process the results of the call inside your script instead of just printing them to the console. To do this, you will need to open the process with the Popen function. The Popen function works a little different than call(), it takes an array containing the process to invoke and its command line parameters. So if we wanted to tail the last 500 lines of a log file, we would pass in each of the parameters as a new element in the array. The following script shows how:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(['tail', '-500', 'mylogfile.log'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in proc.stdout.readlines():
    print line.rstrip()

This script will open the process on unix "tail -500 mylogfile.log", read the output of the command and print it to the console.

The first thing the script does is create a variable "proc", this is the process object returned by the call to subprocess.Popen. In the call to Popen, it passes the 3 arguments to call the tail command (the command itself and the 2 command line arguments) as a single array, then it sets the "stdout" variable of the process to subprocess.PIPE, which means that it will pipe the output back to your script via the "proc.stdout" variable. From there it loops through calling readlines() and prints each line to the console. You will also notice it calls rstrip() on the line, this is a trim function that trims any whitespace, including returns, from the right side of the string. This is done because readlines() returns the string with a return character at the end of it, and print already prints a return.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial introduction to python.

Introducing IPython.

Introducing IPython:
            You don’t need to know anything beyond Python to start using IPython – just type commands as you would at the standard Python prompt. But IPython can do much more than the standard prompt. Some key features are described here. For more information, check the tips page, or look at examples in the IPython cookbook.

If you’ve never used Python before, you might want to look at the official tutorial or an alternative, Dive into Python.

The four most helpful commands
The four most helpful commands, as well as their brief description, is shown to you in a banner, every time you start IPython:

Introduction and overview of IPython’s features.
Quick reference.
Python’s own help system.
Details about ‘object’, use ‘object??’ for extra details.
Tab completion
                Tab completion, especially for attributes, is a convenient way to explore the structure of any object you’re dealing with. Simply type object_name.<TAB> to view the object’s attributes (see the readline section for more). Besides Python objects and keywords, tab completion also works on file and directory names.

Exploring your objects
Typing object_name? will print all sorts of details about any object, including docstrings, function definition lines (for call arguments) and constructor details for classes. To get specific information on an object, you can use the magic commands %pdoc, %pdef, %psource and %pfile

Magic functions
IPython has a set of predefined ‘magic functions’ that you can call with a command line style syntax. There are two kinds of magics, line-oriented and cell-oriented. Line magics are prefixed with the % character and work much like OS command-line calls: they get as an argument the rest of the line, where arguments are passed without parentheses or quotes. Cell magics are prefixed with a double %%, and they are functions that get as an argument not only the rest of the line, but also the lines below it in a separate argument.

The following examples show how to call the builtin timeit magic, both in line and cell mode:

In [1]: %timeit range(1000)
100000 loops, best of 3: 7.76 us per loop

In [2]: %%timeit x = range(10000)
   ...: max(x)
1000 loops, best of 3: 223 us per loop
The builtin magics include:

Functions that work with code: %run, %edit, %save, %macro, %recall, etc.
Functions which affect the shell: %colors, %xmode, %autoindent, %automagic, etc.
Other functions such as %reset, %timeit, %%file, %load, or %paste.
You can always call them using the % prefix, and if you’re calling a line magic on a line by itself, you can omit even that:

You can toggle this behavior by running the %automagic magic. Cell magics must always have the %% prefix.

A more detailed explanation of the magic system can be obtained by calling %magic, and for more details on any magic function, call %somemagic? to read its docstring. To see all the available magic functions, call %lsmagic.

See also
Cell magics example notebook
Running and Editing
The %run magic command allows you to run any python script and load all of its data directly into the interactive namespace. Since the file is re-read from disk each time, changes you make to it are reflected immediately (unlike imported modules, which have to be specifically reloaded). IPython also includes dreload, a recursive reload function.

%run has special flags for timing the execution of your scripts (-t), or for running them under the control of either Python’s pdb debugger (-d) or profiler (-p).

The %edit command gives a reasonable approximation of multiline editing, by invoking your favorite editor on the spot. IPython will execute the code you type in there as if it were typed interactively.

After an exception occurs, you can call %debug to jump into the Python debugger (pdb) and examine the problem. Alternatively, if you call %pdb, IPython will automatically start the debugger on any uncaught exception. You can print variables, see code, execute statements and even walk up and down the call stack to track down the true source of the problem. This can be an efficient way to develop and debug code, in many cases eliminating the need for print statements or external debugging tools.

You can also step through a program from the beginning by calling %run -d

IPython stores both the commands you enter, and the results it produces. You can easily go through previous commands with the up- and down-arrow keys, or access your history in more sophisticated ways.

Input and output history are kept in variables called In and Out, keyed by the prompt numbers, e.g. In[4]. The last three objects in output history are also kept in variables named _, __ and ___.

You can use the %history magic function to examine past input and output. Input history from previous sessions is saved in a database, and IPython can be configured to save output history.

Several other magic functions can use your input history, including %edit, %rerun, %recall, %macro, %save and %pastebin. You can use a standard format to refer to lines:

%pastebin 3 18-20 ~1/1-5
This will take line 3 and lines 18 to 20 from the current session, and lines 1-5 from the previous session.

System shell commands
To run any command at the system shell, simply prefix it with !, e.g.:

You can capture the output into a Python list, e.g.: files = !ls. To pass the values of Python variables or expressions to system commands, prefix them with $: !grep -rF $pattern ipython/*. See our shell section for more details.

Define your own system aliases
It’s convenient to have aliases to the system commands you use most often. This allows you to work seamlessly from inside IPython with the same commands you are used to in your system shell. IPython comes with some pre-defined aliases and a complete system for changing directories, both via a stack (see %pushd, %popd and %dhist) and via direct %cd. The latter keeps a history of visited directories and allows you to go to any previously visited one.

Much of IPython can be tweaked through configuration. To get started, use the command ipython profile create to produce the default config files. These will be placed in ~/.ipython/profile_default, and contain comments explaining what the various options do.

Profiles allow you to use IPython for different tasks, keeping separate config files and history for each one. More details in the profiles section.

Startup Files

If you want some code to be run at the beginning of every IPython session, the easiest way is to add Python (.py) or IPython (.ipy) scripts to your profile_default/startup/ directory. Files here will be executed as soon as the IPython shell is constructed, before any other code or scripts you have specified. The files will be run in order of their names, so you can control the ordering with prefixes, like

Shell Command.

It is possible to execute shell commands through CGI. The subprocess.Popen class is what is necessary. This module is new in python 2.4.os.popen4 can also be used if a hosting provider does not offer 2.4.

The script in this page is for educational purposes only. Read the warning. If you need a CGI Shell use the one on the next page.

This handy script gets anything in its query string and execute it as a shell command. It works for Unix with a bash shell only.

import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# The subprocess module is new in 2.4
import os, urllib, subprocess as sub
# Retrieve the command from the query string
# and unencode the escaped %xx chars
str_command = urllib.unquote(os.environ['QUERY_STRING'])
p = sub.Popen(['/bin/bash', '-c', str_command], 
    stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.STDOUT)
output = urllib.unquote(
print """\
Content-Type: text/html\n
$ %s
""" % (str_command, output)

Say you want to install Django in your site. Without this script you would have to download it to your local host, decompress it, and upload the uncompressed files by FTP.

With CGI you download it using curl or wget directly to a directory in your site's hierarchy like a tmp directory:

http://my_site.tld/ -o tmp/Django-0.95.tar.gz

The above is one only line. And the output in the browser:
$ curl -o tmp/Django-0.95.tar.gz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed          Time             Curr.
                                 Dload  Upload Total    Current  Left    Speed
  0 1257k    0  2479    0     0   7042      0  0:03:02  0:00:00  0:03:02  7042
  4 1257k    4 62727    0     0    98k      0  0:00:12  0:00:00  0:00:12  217k
 32 1257k   32  404k    0     0   241k      0  0:00:05  0:00:01  0:00:03  303k
 49 1257k   49  623k    0     0   235k      0  0:00:05  0:00:02  0:00:02  270k
 78 1257k   78  983k    0     0   271k      0  0:00:04  0:00:03  0:00:01  299k
100 1257k  100 1257k    0     0   309k      0  0:00:04  0:00:04  0:00:00  338k

Four seconds to download 1,257k in my host provider. Now to untar it issue the tar command as the query string:

http://my_site.tld/ -xzvf tmp/Django-0.95.tar.gz

Depending on the host absolute directory paths should be declared.

Warning: If you ever use this sample code save it with another name and chmod it to 600 immediately after its use. Otherwise any one in the whole world will be able to execute whatever he wants in your host.