Fixing Reeborg:
For those familiar with rur-ple lessons, I thought I would share the
first draft of my introduction to classes. Some points to remember from
preceding lessons:
- I used the analogy of synonyms to talk about variables
- Students have already seen how to define new object [like Reeborg = UsedRobot()]
I definitely welcome comments!
Fixing up Reeborg
As we have seen, we can create new robots by using the notation
Reeborg = UsedRobot()
Erdna = UsedRobot(2, 2)
However, these robots are just like the original nameless one: they
can only turn left. To teach them how to turn right, we could define
a function similar to what we did before:
def Reeborg_turn_right():
for i in range(3):
However, there are at least two problems with this approach:
A better approach is to define a new
class that would
inherit from the class
UsedRobot. This is
what we do in the next section.
Designing a new classI will show you first how we can fix our robot so that it knows how to turn right, and explain what I did afterwords.
class RepairedRobot(UsedRobot):
def turn_right(synonym_used_to_refer_to_this_object):
for i in range(3):
Here's how we can then use this new
class of objects:
newReeborg = RepairedRobot()
newErdna = RepairedRobot(2, 2)
newReeborg.turn_left() # as before
newReeborg.turn_right() # new method!
newErdna.turn_right() # this one works too!
And now, it is time to explain. The Python keyword
class indicates that we are going to define a new type of "function", one that creates objects. What follows
class is:
RepairedRobot is the name of our new
class; by writing
UsedRobot between the parentheses, we ensure that the new
class RepairedRobot inherits all the methods and attributes that
UsedRobot had. Thus, when we write:
newReeborg = RepairedRobot()
we create a new robot "named"
newReeborg which can do (at least all) the same things that the old Reeborg = UsedRobot() could do.
Next, inside the new
class, as indicated by the indented block, we define a new method,
turn_right(). By defining it inside the
class, we take the first step to insure that all the robots that are created by calling
RepairedRobot() will be able to turn right!
second step that is required is to tell Python that the method will
"belong" to the particular object that has been created. To do so, we
use the variable
synonym_used_to_refer_to_this_object which will refer to newReeborg, newErdna, etc., depending on what object is created. When we write
newReeborg = RepairedRobot()
Python creates a new instance of the class
RepairedRobot and defines all the methods, replacing the first argument of the method (
synonym_used_to_refer_to_this_object) by the name of the
instance (
synonym_used_to_refer_to_this_object is rather a long name to type. By convention, another variable name is used:
self. Thus, to follow the normal convention, I should have
class RepairedRobot(UsedRobot):
def turn_right(self):
for i in range(3):