To the student: Why Python?

                                To the student: Why Python?

                               Given so many other programming languages in the world, why should you learn Python as your first exposure to computer programming? Well, the real answer is that your instructor selected the both the language and this textbook for the course, so what choice do you have? Nonetheless, let me explain why this was a very good decision.Python is easy, Python is fun, Python is educational, and Python is powerful.
                          Let’s start with the powerful. If you look at the case studies toward the end of the session, you will see that you will end up learning how to do some very interesting things. Tasks like writing your own blog, automatically solving soduko puzzles, reading your iTunes database, or writing a wiki. None of these take more than a page or two of Python code.
                        This is considerably smaller than the equivalent programs would be in almost any other programming language. Is it easy? Let me fudge and say it is easier. Computer programming in any language takes skill, organization, logic, and patience. Python is no different in this regard. What makes Python attractive is that you can begin so quickly and easily. Your first Python
program can be as simple as 2 + 3:
>>> 2 + 3
Thereafter the path to learning how to create your own complex applications is, we hope, at least clearly laid out, even if it will take some effort on your part.
Active Learning:                                 
                               This session  follows an attitude towards teaching that has been termed active learning. Rather than treating you, the student, as a passive repository into which knowledge is poured, active learning tries to engage you, the student, as a fully equal partner in the process of learning. Rather than simply telling you how some feature works, I will usually suggest experiments that you can perform to discover the answer on your own. 
                                          There are several benefits to this approach. First, it makes you use a different part of your brain than you would if you were simply reading. Second, it gives you, the student, a greater sense of ownership of the knowledge. Third, experimentation is often the fun part of programming. Lastly, by encouraging you to experiment in the discovery of simple information, I hope to instill habits that you will continue to carry with you throughout your programming career. Together, the intent is that active learning helps you more easily retain and use the information you have learned.

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