The 'for' Loop
The 'for' Loop :
the for loop does something for every value in a list. The way it is set out is
a little confusing, but otherwise is very basic. Here is an example of it in
Code Example 1 - The for Loop
# Example 'for' loop
# First, create a list to loop through:
newList = [45, 'eat
me', 90210, "The day has come, the walrus
said, \
to speak of many things", -67]
# create the loop:
# Goes through newList, and seqentially puts each bit of information
# into the variable value, and runs the loop
for value in newList:
print value
As you see, when the loop
executes, it runs through all of the values in the list mentioned after 'in'.
It then puts them into value, and executes through the loop, each time with
value being worth something different. Let's see it a again, in a classic cheerleading
call that we all know:
Code Example 2 - A for loop example
# cheerleading program
word = raw_input("Who do you go for? ")
for letter in word:
call = "Gimme
a " + letter + "!"
print call
print letter + "!"
print "What does that spell?"
print word + "!"
A couple of things you've
just learnt:
Ø As you see, strings (remember - strings
are lines of text) are just lists with lots of characters.
Ø The program went through each of the
letters (or values) in word, and it printed them onscreen. And that is all
there is to the for loop.
Making a Menu Function:
to the business end of the lesson. Lets start writing programs. So far we have
learnt variables, lists, loops, and functions. That is pretty much all we need
for quite a bit of programming. So let's set ourselves a task.
Code Example 3 - A menu function
# The program asks for a string with all the menu options in it,
# and a text string asking a question.
# make sure every menu entry is unique.
def menu(list, question):
for entry in list:
print 1 + list.index(entry),
print ") " + entry
return input(question) - 1
# def menu(list, question): is telling the function to
# ask for two bits of information:
# A list of all the menu entries,
# and the question it will ask when all the options have been printed
# for entry in list: is pretty much saying;
#'for every entry in the list, do the following:'
# print list.index(entry) + 1 uses the .index() function to find
# where in the list the entry is in. print function then prints it
# it adds 1 to make the numbers more intelligable.
# print ") " + entry prints a bracket, and then the entry name
# after the for loop is finished, input(question) - 1 asks the question,
# and returns the value to the main program (minus 1, to turn it back to
# the number the computer will understand).
wasn't very difficult, was it? the actual program only took up five lines -
this is the wonder of how much we have learnt so far! All my comments take up
sixteen lines - more than three times the program length. It is a good idea to
comment your programs extensively. Remember that if you are going to be
publishin gyour code open-source, there are going to be a lot of people
checking out the code that you have written. We'll see the function we just
wrote in our first example program.
Our First 'Game' :
What will our first example program be?
How about a (very) simple text adventure game? Sounds like fun! It will only
encompass one room of a house, and will be extremely simple. There will be five
things, and a door. In one of the five things, is a key to the door. You need
to find the key, then open the door. I will give a plain-english version first,
then do it in python:
Example 4 - Plain-english version of code
#Plain-english version of our 'game'
Tell the computer about our menu function
Print a welcoming message, showing a description of the room.
We will give the player six things to look at: pot plant, painting,\
vase, lampshade, shoe, and the door
Tell the computer that the door is locked
Tell the computer where the key is
present a menu, telling you what things you can 'operate':
will give you the six options
will ask the question "what will you look at?"
if the user wanted to look at:
If the key is here, give the player
the key
otherwise, tell them it isn't here
same as above
If the player has the key, let them
open the door
Otherwise, tell them to look harder
Give the player a well done message, for completing the game.
From this, we can write a
real program. Ready? Here it is (skip typing the comments):
Example 5 - Text Adventure Game
#the menu function:
def menu(list, question):
for entry in list:
print 1 + list.index(entry),
print ") " + entry
return input(question) - 1
#Give the computer some basic information about the room:
items = ["pot plant","painting","vase","lampshade","shoe","door"]
#The key is in the vase (or entry number 2 in the list above):
keylocation = 2
#You haven't found the key:
keyfound = 0
loop = 1
#Give some introductary text:
print "Last night you went to sleep in
the comfort of your own home."
print "Now, you find yourself locked in
a room. You don't know how"
print "you got there, or what time it
is. In the room you can see"
print len(items), "things:"
for x in items:
print x
print ""
print "The door is locked. Could there
be a key somewhere?"
#Get your menu working, and the program running until you find the key:
while loop == 1:
choice = menu(items,"What
do you want to inspect? ")
if choice == 0:
if choice == keylocation:
print "You
found a small key in the pot plant."
print ""
keyfound = 1
print "You
found nothing in the pot plant."
print ""
elif choice == 1:
if choice == keylocation:
print "You
found a small key behind the painting."
print ""
keyfound = 1
print "You
found nothing behind the painting."
print ""
elif choice == 2:
if choice == keylocation:
print "You
found a small key in the vase."
print ""
keyfound = 1
print "You
found nothing in the vase."
print ""
elif choice == 3:
if choice == keylocation:
print "You
found a small key in the lampshade."
print ""
keyfound = 1
print "You
found nothing in the lampshade."
print ""
elif choice == 4:
if choice == keylocation:
print "You
found a small key in the shoe."
print ""
keyfound = 1
print "You
found nothing in the shoe."
print ""
elif choice == 5:
if keyfound == 1:
loop = 0
print "You put
in the key, turn it, and hear a click"
print ""
print "The door
is locked, you need to find a key."
print ""
# Remember that a backslash continues
# the code on the next line
print "Light floods into the room as \
you open the door to your freedom."
a very simple, but fun, game. Don't get daunted by the amount of code there, 53
of the lines are just the 'if' statements, which is the easiest thing to read
there. (Once you comprehend all the indentation, you'll be able to make your
own game, and you can make it as simple [or as complex] as you like.)
Making the Game Better :
The first question you should ask is
"does this program work?". The answer here is yes. Then you should
ask "does this program work well?" - not quite. The menu() function
is great - it reduces a lot of typing. The 'while' loop that we have, however,
is a little messy - four levels of indents, for a simple program. We can do
this will become much MUCH more straightforward when we introduce classes. But
that will have to wait. Until then, let's make a function that reduces our
mess. It we will pass two things to it - the menu choice we made, and the
location of the key. It will return one thing - whether or not the key has been
found. Lets see it:
Example 6 - Creating an inspect function
def inspect(choice,location):
if choice == location:
print ""
print "You
found a key!"
print ""
return 1
print ""
print "Nothing
of interest here."
print ""
return 0
Now the main program can be
a little simpler. Let's take it from the while loop, and change things around:
Example 7 - The new game
while loop == 1:
keyfound = inspect(menu(items,"What
do you want to inspect? "), keylocation)
if keyfound == 1:
print "You put
the key in the lock of the door, and turn it. It opens!"
loop = 0
print "Light floods into the room, \
as you open the door to your freedom."
the program becomes massively shorter - from a cumbersome 83 lines, to a very
shapely 50 lines! Of course, you lose quite a bit of versatility - all the
items in the room do the same thing. You automatically open the door when you
find the key. The game becomes a little less interesting. It also becomes a
little harder to change.
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